Front End User Registration扩展安装
1.所需相关扩展:kb_md5fepw,fh_library,newloginbox,Static Info Library,sr_static_info(根据所选设置不同,可能用到) 2.设置: 1>TS模板处添加(从扩展添加): 'FE User Registration CSS-styled'(需要sr_static_info扩展) 或者 'FE User Registration Old Style'. 2>创建一个System Folder 类型页面,并在创建两个前台用户组A,B,用来盛放注册用户,其中一个A组用来盛放注册用户,另一个B组用来盛放验证通过用户.名字任意. 3>TS模板constant 中,设置 pid =[刚才创建的System Folder 页面ID]……
Configuration steps
These are the steps to configuring the Front End User Registration extension: Install the extension using the Extension Manager. If not already installed, you will be requested to install the Static Info Library extension. You should also consider installing extensions New Login Box (newloginbox), KB MD5 FE Password (kb_md5fepw) and FE, BE Library (fh_library). Add one of the following static templates to your TypoScript template: 'FE User Registration CSS-styled' or 'FE User Registration Old Style'. If you select the CSS-styled template, make sure you have installed version 1.4.9+ of extension Static Info Library (sr_static_info). Create a System Folder page that will contain the records of Frontend users created by the extension. Set the TS template constant pid to the page id of this folder. Under the System Folder, create two Frontend User Groups. Set the TS template constant userGroupUponRegistration to the uid of the first group and constant userGroupAfterConfirmation to the uid of the second group. The second group gives access to the pages targeted at the registered front end users, while the first group does not. Create a page, setting the Page “General Storage Storage” to the System Folder that will contain the front end user records created by the extension. Insert the New Login Box on the page. Then, on the same page, after the New Login Box, insert the Front End User Registration extension, leaving the CODE empty, but setting the Starting Point to the System Folder that will contain the Frontend user records created. Set the TS template constant loginPID to the page id of this page. Create a second page under the previous one and set the access general option to “Hide at login”. Insert the Front End User Registration extension, setting the CODE to CREATE, and the Starting Point to the System Folder that will contain the Frontend user records. Note that the access restriction should be set on the page, not on the content elements. Set the TS template constant registerPID to the page id of this page. Create a third page, also under the first one, limiting access to this page to the second user group you created. Insert the Front End User Registration extension, setting the CODE to EDIT, and the Starting Point to the System Folder that will contain the front end user records. Note that the access restriction should be set on the page, not on the content elements. Set the TS template constant editPID to the page id of this page. Create a fourth page, also under the first one, setting the access general option to “Hide at login”. Insert the Front End User Registration extension, leaving the CODE empty and setting the Starting Point to the System Folder that will contain the front end user records. Note that the access restriction should be set on the page, not on the content elements. Set the TS template constant confirmPID to the page id of this page. Decide which fields you want included on the registration form and, among those, which ones you want to be required in order to register. Set TS template constants formFields and requiredFields. Review the extension constants described below. All these properties may be conveniently edited using the Constant Editor TS template tool. If you do not use the Constant Editor to configure the extension, please note the form of the constants assignments in the constants section of your TS template: plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1.property = value