LXXI. Network Functions




这些函数作为 PHP 核心的一部分,无需被安装即可使用。


这些函数的行为受到全局配置文件 php.ini 的影响。

表格 1. Network Configuration Options

For further details and definition of the PHP_INI_* constants see ini_set().


define_syslog_variables boolean

Whether or not to define the various syslog variables (e.g. $LOG_PID, $LOG_CRON, etc.). Turning it off is a good idea performance-wise. At runtime, you can define these variables by calling define_syslog_variables().




这里列出的所有常量将作为 PHP 核心的一部分一直有效。

表格 2. openlog() Options

LOG_CONS if there is an error while sending data to the system logger, write directly to the system console
LOG_NDELAY open the connection to the logger immediately
LOG_ODELAY (default) delay opening the connection until the first message is logged
LOG_PERRORprint log message also to standard error
LOG_PIDinclude PID with each message

表格 3. openlog() Facilities

LOG_AUTH security/authorization messages (use LOG_AUTHPRIV instead in systems where that constant is defined)
LOG_AUTHPRIVsecurity/authorization messages (private)
LOG_CRONclock daemon (cron and at)
LOG_DAEMONother system daemons
LOG_KERNkernel messages
LOG_LOCAL0 ... LOG_LOCAL7reserved for local use, these are not available in Windows
LOG_LPRline printer subsystem
LOG_MAILmail subsystem
LOG_NEWSUSENET news subsystem
LOG_SYSLOGmessages generated internally by syslogd
LOG_USERgeneric user-level messages
LOG_UUCPUUCP subsystem

表格 4. syslog() Priorities (in descending order)

LOG_EMERGsystem is unusable
LOG_ALERTaction must be taken immediately
LOG_CRITcritical conditions
LOG_ERRerror conditions
LOG_WARNINGwarning conditions
LOG_NOTICEnormal, but significant, condition
LOG_INFOinformational message
LOG_DEBUGdebug-level message

表格 5. dns_get_record() Options

DNS_AIPv4 Address Resource
DNS_MXMail Exchanger Resource
DNS_CNAMEAlias (Canonical Name) Resource
DNS_NSAuthoritative Name Server Resource
DNS_PTRPointer Resource
DNS_HINFOHost Info Resource (See IANA's Operating System Names for the meaning of these values)
DNS_SOAStart of Authority Resource
DNS_TXTText Resource
DNS_ANYAny Resource Record. On most systems this returns all resource records, however it should not be counted upon for critical uses. Try DNS_ALL instead.
DNS_AAAAIPv6 Address Resource
DNS_ALLIteratively query the name server for each available record type.
checkdnsrr --  Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address
closelog -- Close connection to system logger
debugger_off -- Disable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3)
debugger_on -- Enable internal PHP debugger (PHP 3)
define_syslog_variables -- Initializes all syslog related constants
dns_check_record -- Synonym for checkdnsrr()
dns_get_mx -- Synonym for getmxrr()
dns_get_record --  Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname
fsockopen --  Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
gethostbyaddr --  Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address
gethostbyname --  Get the IP address corresponding to a given Internet host name
gethostbynamel --  Get a list of IP addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name
getmxrr --  Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name
getprotobyname --  Get protocol number associated with protocol name
getprotobynumber --  Get protocol name associated with protocol number
getservbyname --  Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol
getservbyport --  Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol
ip2long --  Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper address.
long2ip --  Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format
openlog -- Open connection to system logger
pfsockopen --  Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
socket_get_status --  Alias of stream_get_meta_data()
socket_set_blocking -- Alias of stream_set_blocking()
socket_set_timeout -- Alias of stream_set_timeout()
syslog -- Generate a system log message