(PHP 5)
oci_error -- Returns the last error found
ocierror ( [resource source])
For most errors, the parameter is the most appropriate resource
handle. For connection errors with oci_connect(),
oci_new_connect() or oci_pconnect(),
do not pass a parameter. If no error is found, oci_error()
returns FALSE. oci_error() returns the error as an
associative array. In this array, code
consists the oracle error code and message
the oracle error string.
As of PHP 4.3:
offset and sqltext will
also be included in the return array to indicate the location
of the error and the original SQL text which caused it.
例子 1. Displaying the Oracle error message after a connection error
$conn = @oci_connect("scott", "tiger", "mydb"); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); // For oci_connect errors pass no handle echo htmlentities($e['message']); }
例子 2. Displaying the Oracle error message after a parsing error
$stmt = @oci_parse($conn, "select ' from dual"); // note mismatched quote if (!$stmt) { $e = oci_parse($conn); // For oci_parse errors pass the connection handle echo htmlentities($e['message']); }
例子 3. Displaying the Oracle error message and problematic statement
after an execution error
$r = oci_execute($stmt); if (!$r) { $e = oci_error($stmt); // For oci_execute errors pass the statementhandle echo htmlentities($e['message']); echo "<pre>"; echo htmlentities($e['sqltext']); printf("\n%".($e['offset']+1)."s", "^"); echo "</pre>"; }
In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocierror() instead.
This name still can be used, it was left as alias of
oci_error() for downwards compatability.
This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.