
(PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5)

htmlentities --  Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities


string htmlentities ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]])

This function is identical to htmlspecialchars() in all ways, except with htmlentities(), all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are translated into these entities.

Like htmlspecialchars(), the optional second quote_style parameter lets you define what will be done with 'single' and "double" quotes. It takes on one of three constants with the default being ENT_COMPAT:

表格 1. Available quote_style constants

Constant NameDescription
ENT_COMPATWill convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
ENT_QUOTESWill convert both double and single quotes.
ENT_NOQUOTESWill leave both double and single quotes unconverted.

Support for the optional quote parameter was added in PHP 4.0.3.

Like htmlspecialchars(), it takes an optional third argument charset which defines character set used in conversion. Support for this argument was added in PHP 4.1.0. Presently, the ISO-8859-1 character set is used as the default.

PHP 4.3.0 及其后续版本支持如下字符集。

表格 2. 已支持字符集

ISO-8859-1ISO8859-1 西欧,Latin-1
ISO-8859-15ISO8859-15 西欧,Latin-9。增加了 Latin-1(ISO-8859-1)中缺少的欧元符号、法国及芬兰字母。
UTF-8  ASCII 兼容多字节 8-bit Unicode。
cp866ibm866, 866 DOS-特有的 Cyrillic 字母字符集。PHP 4.3.2 开始支持该字符集。
cp1251Windows-1251, win-1251, 1251 Windows-特有的 Cyrillic 字母字符集。PHP 4.3.2 开始支持该字符集。
cp1252Windows-1252, 1252 Windows 对于西欧特有的字符集。
KOI8-Rkoi8-ru, koi8r 俄文。PHP 4.3.2 开始支持该字符集。
BIG5950 繁体中文,主要用于中国台湾。
GB2312936 简体中文,国际标准字符集。
BIG5-HKSCS  繁体中文,Big5 的延伸,主要用于香港。
Shift_JISSJIS, 932 日文。

注: ISO-8859-1 将代替任何其它无法识别的字符集。

If you're wanting to decode instead (the reverse) you can use html_entity_decode().

例子 1. A htmlentities() example

= "A 'quote' is <b>bold</b>";

// Outputs: A 'quote' is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;
echo htmlentities($str);

// Outputs: A &#039;quote&#039; is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;
echo htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES);

See also html_entity_decode(), get_html_translation_table(), htmlspecialchars(), nl2br(), and urlencode().