Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
= sAlign... >
Scripting | object.align [ = sAlign ] |
Possible Values
sAlign | String that
specifies or receives one of the following values: absbottom | Aligns the bottom of the object with the absolute bottom of the surrounding text. The absolute bottom is equal to the baseline of the text minus the height of the largest descender in the text. | absmiddle | Aligns the middle of the object with the middle of the surrounding text. The absolute middle is the midpoint between the absolute bottom and text top of the surrounding text. | baseline | Aligns the bottom of the object with the baseline of the surrounding text. | bottom | Aligns the bottom of the object with the bottom of the surrounding text. The bottom is equal to the baseline minus the standard height of a descender in the text. | left | Default. Aligns the object to the left of the surrounding text. All preceding and subsequent text flows to the right of the object. | middle | Aligns the middle of the object with the surrounding text. | right | Aligns the object to the right of the surrounding text. All subsequent text flows to the left of the object. | texttop | Aligns the top of the object with the absolute top of the surrounding text. The absolute top is the baseline plus the height of the largest ascender in the text. | top | Aligns the top of the object with the top of the text. The top of the text is the baseline plus the standard height of an ascender in the text. |
The property is read/write.
The property has a default value of
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties.
This attribute applies only to the input type=image. It is undefined for all other input types.
Standards Information
This property is deprecated in
is defined in
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
Applies To