Downloads the specified file.
download.startDownload(sUrl, fpCallback)
sUrl |
String that specifies the location of the file to download. |
fpCallback |
Function pointer that specifies the code to execute after the download is complete. |
Return Value
No return value.
The callback function pointer takes a single parameter. When a file downloads successfully, the file contents are passed as the parameter and are accessible in script.
The startDownload method returns only the content of text documents. If a different document format is downloaded, the format is returned, but the file content is not.
Note In order to use the
startDownload method with Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), you need to use the
GetRef to obtain a function pointer. The function pointer can then be passed to
The following sample code shows a callback function.
// The callback function accepts one parameter.
function fnCallBack(vData){
/* vData stores the downloaded file content.
The content can be split into an array,
written to another file, or processed in a form.
var aData=vData.split("\n");
This example uses the startDownload method to begin downloading a file when the user clicks the link. In addition, the specified callback function, onDownloadDone, is notified when the download is complete.
<MSIE:DOWNLOAD ID="oDownload" STYLE="behavior:url(#default#download)" />
function onDownloadDone(s) { alert (s); }
<P>Click <A HREF="javascript:oDownload.startDownload('download.htm',
onDownloadDone)">here</A> to download this page.
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

This example demonstrates using the download behavior with VBScript.
Function onDownloadDone(s)
MsgBox s
End Function
<IE:DOWNLOAD ID="oDownload" STYLE="behavior:url(#default#download)" />
onclick="vbscript:oDownload.startDownload 'downloadvb.htm', GetRef('onDownloadDone')">
Download File</button>
Standards Information
There is no public standard that applies to this method.
Applies To