Sets or retrieves the Microsoft® DirectAnimation® Image (DAImage class) displayed by the anim:DA element.
XML | N/A |
Scripting | anim:DA.image [ = oImage ] |
Possible Values
oImage |
DAImage object that specifies the image displayed by the anim:DA element. |
The property is read/write.
The property has no default value.
This example uses the image property to display a static DAImage class.
.time { behavior: url(#time); }
anim\:DA { behavior: url(#default#anim); }
<OBJECT ID="time" CLASSID="CLSID:476C391C-3E0D-11D2-B948-00C04FA32195">
<P>The image below is specified using the image property.</P>
<SPAN ID="spanImg" CLASS="time" t:TIMEACTION="visibility" t:BEGIN="3"
<DIV ALIGN="center">
<anim:DA ID="da1" STYLE="width:200; height:200; z-index: -1;" />
// Assign a variable to the DA statics library
m = da1.statics;
// Create the DAImage
img1 = m.ImportImage("../common/sun.gif");
// Specify the DAImage to be displayed by the ANIM:DA tag
da1.image = img1;
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

Standards Information
There is no public standard that applies to this property.
Applies To
See Also
sound, statics